Bolt IoT's 6-month program

Technologies covered in the six-month program
We will first train the students on IoT, ML, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Web Development concepts during this program.


Here are the concepts covered during the training

IoT and ML

  • Basics of IoT and ML to get started
  • Work with WiFi Module, Light Sensor, Temperature Sensor, LEDs, Buzzer, etc.
  • Data Visualisation via Google Library
  • Trigger automated SMS and E-Mail alerts
  • Integrating devices with Facebook & Twitter
  • Cloud Computing: Sending the data to the cloud, Working with APIs, Working with Linux VPS and Linux command line
  • Machine Learning
    • Data prediction with Polyfit
    • Anomaly Detection with Z-Score


Artificial Intelligence Training

  • Understanding GPT 4
  • Building a model to answer your queries.
  • Designing the prompts for the GPT language model
  • Building AI-based custom tools
  • AI Image generation
  • Getting started with DALL·E
  • Writing code to generate your custom images


Web Development Training

  • Learn the concepts of HTML in-depth, embedding images, fonts, backgrounds, etc.
  • Learn JavaScript to make your webpage interactive with user responses.
  • Understand APIs and build dynamic websites.
  • Learn CSS and Positioning, use it to style your web page
  • Learn React to make interactive UI’s.
  • React is one of the most popular frameworks used to create Facebook.
  • One of the high in demand framework for web development by recruiters.
  • Learn to use media queries, form submissions and make API calls.

Programming Languages Covered from Basics: HTML, Python, Javascript, CSS, AJAX and React


Hardware kit content

The Kit is worth INR 2,750/- and Includes:

  1. WiFi-enabled Bolt microcontroller module
  2. Bolt Cloud
  3. Bolt Smartphone App
  4. USB Cable
  5. Temperature Sensor
  6. Light Sensor
  7. Push Button Switch
  8. LED X 2
  9. Buzzer
  10. Resistor X 2
  11. Assorted Connecting Wires
  12. Breadboard

The kit comes with a 1-year replacement warranty on all the items included.

We generally deliver the kit in 2-7 days via Courier. Kit delivery time varies depending on your zone, so we cannot predict the exact delivery date.



Internship project
  • Upon completing the training, the students will be assigned a major capstone internship project. We will give them an option of 2 projects.
  • For this major capstone project, the students will have to apply the concepts taught in the training.
  • Throughout the internship, we will provide guidance and offer feedback on their projects. We will be available to resolve any queries they may have.
  • Upon submitting the project and completing the review, the students will be offered a certificate of 6 months internship.


Here are some of the projects the students will work on as part of the internship

They will get to choose and work on any one project. The students can work on the internship project in group of maximum 4 students. However, they will need to join the training individually.

Project 1: SurgiSense: Intelligent Operation Theatre Temperature Management

"In the heart of a bustling city hospital, a dedicated team of young engineers are faced a critical challenge: to ensure the safety and efficiency of an operation theatre. They embarked on a mission to build a state-of-the-art system capable of not only monitoring the critical temperature levels within the theatre but also alerting staff instantly in case of any deviations. This project was vital, as maintaining an optimal temperature in operation theatres is crucial for patient safety. Statistics indicate that even minor fluctuations in temperature can significantly increase the risk of infections and complications, leading to a higher mortality rate. In fact, research has shown that maintaining a controlled environment can reduce post-operative infections by up to 20%, directly impacting patient survival rates."

You are invited to be part of this innovative team dedicated to enhancing medical safety and efficiency. Your task is to develop an advanced, internet-connected temperature monitoring solution. This crucial system will continuously monitor the ambient temperature, ensuring it remains within a safe and predetermined range. Should the temperature deviate from this range, the system will promptly send alert notifications via SMS and a phone call. Furthermore, your challenge includes the creation of a user-friendly monitoring dashboard. This dashboard will not only display real-time sensor data but will also be integrated into a mobile app, allowing doctors to easily and remotely keep track of the temperature levels, ensuring optimal conditions for patient care and surgical procedures. Join us in this vital project that merges technology with healthcare, directly contributing to patient safety and surgical success.


Project 2: CropLumina: Smart Sunlight Management for Farmers

"In the fertile lands of India, where agriculture is not just a profession but a way of life, Ramesh, a seasoned farmer, gazed worriedly at the sky. Year after year, he noticed the unpredictable weather patterns and the diminishing sunlight, directly affecting his crop yields. In a country where 58% of rural households depend on agriculture as their principal means of livelihood, the right amount of sunlight is not just important; it's crucial for survival. Ramesh knew that if he could accurately monitor and respond to the sunlight levels, his crops, and in turn, his family's future, would be secure. He dreamed of a solution that could guide him, a solution built by those who are as passionate about harnessing technology as he is about tilling the land."

We invite the students to embark on a journey to support farmers like Ramesh. Your mission is to build an internet-connected sunlight monitoring solution for farms. This system will continuously track the light levels in the farm, providing vital data for crop growth. Through daily SMS updates, farmers will be kept informed about the current conditions. Moreover, employ Generative AI to analyze this data, the system should offer actionable suggestions to the farmers to optimize their crop yield. Share these suggestions over SMS to the farmer. Your efforts in developing this technology can revolutionize farming in India, helping countless farmers to better understand and adapt to the whims of nature for a bountiful harvest.



Placement preparation
After the training and internship program, we will assist students with essential skills such as crafting a strong resume, answering interview questions, and developing other abilities to enhance their chances of securing better job offers.


Fee for the training
The fee for the training will be Rs.5,490/-.
  • The fee includes a hardware kit required to build all the hands-on projects. We will courier it to their location.
  • There is no additional fee to be paid for internship or placement guidance.
  • Link to register: